Privacy policy

Last updated: August 2024

Accipiter Finance SARL (hereinafter "Accipiter Finance") offers financial information services on its website (hereinafter "the Website") and mobile application, a platform for selecting investment funds, a personal space for creating a personalized portfolio containing investment funds, as well as a tool for recommending investment funds. Access to and use of the Website and/or the mobile application are governed by these Legal Mentions (hereinafter "the General Terms of Use") which describe how Accipiter Finance processes the personal information of individuals who visit our Website and mobile application. It provides information on the type of personal information we collect, how we use this information, and with whom we may share it.

By accessing and using our Website and/or mobile application, you expressly acknowledge that you have read, understood, and unreservedly accepted our General Terms of Use. You also agree that Accipiter Finance may modify the General Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice. If the user does not accept these General Terms of Use, they should not access or use our Website or mobile application in any way. The General Terms of Use apply to all visits and uses of the Website and the mobile application, as well as to the content, information, recommendations, products, and services offered to the user on or via this Website or mobile application.

Limitation of Liability and Terms of Use

Ownership of the Website and Mobile Application

This Website ("the Website") and the mobile application are the exclusive property of Accipiter Finance, a company based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Copyright and Intellectual Property of the Website and Mobile Application

The content and presentation of the Website and mobile application are the intellectual property of Accipiter Finance, protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights held by Accipiter Finance. The property rights of Accipiter Finance cannot be altered in any way by any reproduction or use of the Website. No part of Accipiter Finance's Website may be reproduced, transmitted by electronic means or otherwise, sold, or distributed for commercial purposes, nor modified or incorporated into any other work, publication, website, or application, without prior written authorization from Accipiter Finance.

It is strictly prohibited, under any circumstances, to create links to this site, such as hyperlinks, or to access it via online links, without prior written authorization from Accipiter Finance.

Disclaimer on the Accuracy and Timeliness of Information

Accipiter Finance provides access to information and documents for personal and informational purposes only. Although Accipiter Finance takes all appropriate measures to ensure the accuracy of this information at the time of publication, it makes no assurance or guarantee regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or ongoing availability of the information and opinions provided and disclaims all liability for losses that may result from the use of this information and opinions. Accipiter Finance is not responsible for damages caused by computer viruses or other harmful elements on its Website.

The information provided, the prices, or the composition of products on the Website may be modified at any time and without notice. The publication of information on the site does not imply that there have been no changes in activities since the date when this information was submitted to relevant supervisory authorities or published, or that this information remains accurate at any time after the date of publication.

No Offer

The information published on the Website and/or the mobile application does not in any way constitute an offer or recommendation to buy or sell an investment fund or other financial instruments or to enter into any other transactions or perform any legal acts.

No Investment Advice from Accipiter Finance SARL

All information disseminated on the Website, the mobile application, and those transmitted or obtained through the selection and decision-making tools offered by Accipiter Finance SARL, is provided solely for informational purposes. They do not in any way constitute investment advice, recommendations, or investment decision aids, and should not be considered as advice on economic, legal, tax matters, or any other professional advice. Similarly, this information should not be used as a basis for making individual investment decisions or others.

Absence of Personalized Information

The information provided on the Website and/or the mobile application should not in any way be considered as tailored to your personal situation and should not be used to make individual investment decisions or others. Investing in funds carries risks, including capital loss. There is no guarantee that a fund's investment objectives will be achieved. The past performance of investment funds should not be considered a guarantee of their future performance, meaning that the value of an investment may decrease or increase. Investments in investment funds and other financial instruments mentioned on the Website and the mobile application should be based on the latest prospectus, key investor information documents, and the most recent annual or semi-annual report, which contain detailed information on the risks, fees, and charges an investor must bear. Therefore, they should be read carefully before investing. Consult a financial advisor before making any investment decision.

Limitation of Liability for Free Services

We do not guarantee the optimal functioning of this portal and cannot ensure the completeness, accuracy, and reliability of alert services and other free services. We disclaim all liability in this regard.

Data Security Warning When Using the Personal Space

The use of the personal space involves the transmission of data over a public network. These data are not encrypted and may be intercepted and read by third parties. The user is informed of these risks and assumes responsibility for the voluntary transmission of their personal data, as well as any potential misuse by unauthorized third parties.

Confidentiality Commitment and Warranty Limitation When Using the Personal Space

Accipiter Finance is committed to treating the data transmitted by users confidentially and not disclosing them to third parties without the user's consent. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of these data and disclaim any liability for damages that may result from a possible breach of this security.

Links to Other Websites

Our Website and mobile application may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites that are not operated or controlled by us. These other websites are not covered by this Policy, and we cannot be held responsible for their content, the products they offer, or how they handle personal data. Accipiter Finance SARL disclaims any responsibility for their content or their personal data processing policy. The use of these links is at your own risk. We recommend that you review their individual privacy policies before providing them with your personal information.

Local Restrictions and Other Legal Restrictions

The products published on the Website and the mobile application may be subject to sales restrictions in certain countries or for certain individuals. It is the responsibility of each investor to inform themselves of the specific conditions applicable to the issuer's products.

Applicable Law and Competent Courts

Any dispute regarding the content or use of the Accipiter Finance SARL website will be governed by Swiss law. The ordinary courts of the canton of Geneva will have exclusive jurisdiction, subject to an appeal to the Federal Court.

We thank you for using our Website and/or mobile application!

If you have any requests regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer of Accipiter Finance SARL:

Accipiter Finance SARL
Data Protection Officer
Chemin de l'Escalade 1
1206 Geneva
Copyright © 01.08.2024 Accipiter Finance SARL. All rights reserved.